What to Know About Getting Braces as an Adult

Getting braces as an adult can be an intimidating prospect. After all, few adults want to experience the classic middle-school “braces stage” they watched their middle school friends suffer through—the constant presence of leftover food between brackets, the pokey wires getting caught on everything, or the metallic rainbow that could attract bullies from a mile away. Nevertheless, this doesn’t have to be you! Getting braces as an adult can actually be a great experience and here’s why:

You Have Options

The first most important thing to know is that you have more options than you think. If you are worried about maintaining aesthetics, there is a relatively new braces option called Invisalign®. Invisalign® is a clear aligner that makes it look like you aren’t wearing anything. If you need to treat more complex orthodontic issues, Invisalign® may not be best. In this case, there are clear ceramic braces that work similarly to traditional braces—they are just more discrete and aesthetically pleasing. 

There are So Many Benefits

Getting braces as an adult may feel daunting. But just like ripping off a band aid quickly rather than slowly, choosing to get orthodontic care now can save you so much more anguish in the future. In reality, there are more benefits to getting braces than just aesthetic reasons. Getting braces can enhance your confidence and improve your health. You may be more likely to get that job you’ve been wanting or land that second date. 

It’s Not as Expensive as You Might Think

A lot of adults are tentative about getting braces because of the cost. In reality, there are plenty of cost-saving options for you, especially if you are getting braces for oral issues or a speech impediment and not just for aesthetic reasons. Talk with your insurance provider or our orthodontic team for cost-saving options if you are worried about paying for your braces. We have monthly payment plans, as well. In the end, if you purchase one less coffee a day and save up for braces instead, you will totally be able to pay for your braces in no time!

Just because you are an adult doesn’t mean that you can’t benefit from getting braces. If you are concerned about getting braces as an adult for whatever reason, give Stellar Family Orthodontics a call. We know how to help you select the best option for your needs. 

Ready for the pearly whites of your dreams? Click here to learn how Stellar Family Orthodontics can help you today!